Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 and Veterinary Surgeons Regulation 2016

The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 and Veterinary Surgeons Regulation 2016 provide the criteria for a person to be suitably qualified to practise veterinary science in Queensland.

The Act provides for a Veterinary Surgeons Board and a Veterinary Tribunal, which work together to maintain and improve the standard of veterinary practice in the state.

This is achieved by:

  • ensuring registered veterinarians are fit and proper persons to practise
  • investigating complaints concerning individual practitioners and disciplining those persons when warranted
  • monitoring and regulating the establishment and standard of veterinary premises
  • ensuring non-veterinarians are not engaged in the performance of veterinary procedures for fee and reward
  • advising the Minister on changes to legislation that are required to meet present-day needs.

The Queensland Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries is responsible for administration of the Act.

Contact the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland for more information.

Animal Care and Protection Act 2001

The Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 promotes the responsible care and use of animals. It places a legal duty of care on any person in charge of an animal to meet that animal's needs in an appropriate way.

‘Person in charge’ includes the person who has custody of an animal. This is extended to veterinarians while an animal is in their care.

The regulation allows veterinarians to undertake on an animal, in the interest of the animal’s welfare, a surgical procedure that would otherwise be illegal (such as docking procedures, debarking and declawing).

There are also provisions dedicated to the use of animals for scientific purposes.

Contact Biosecurity Queensland and the RSPCA for more information.

Biosecurity Act 2014

The Biosecurity Act 2014 provides measures to protect our agricultural sector, our economy, our environment and the community from biosecurity risks.

The keeping of mammals, reptiles and amphibians

The keeping of most exotic animals as pets is prohibited in Queensland under the Act. Zoos and circuses can keep certain exotic species for exhibition purposes, but only under permit with strict conditions.

Animals that are restricted matter

Restricted animals are generally those that are established in the wild. Animals that cannot be kept, fed or released include:

  • rabbits
  • dingoes
  • foxes.

Animals that cannot be fed or released include:

  • feral cats
  • feral deer
  • feral goats
  • feral pigs.

Animals that are prohibited matter

These are all mammals, reptiles and amphibians that are not domestic animals or restricted matter. They include:

  • chameleons
  • boa constrictors
  • corn snakes
  • ferrets.

Native animals as pets

Some native animals can be kept under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and the Nature Conservation (Protected Areas) Regulation 1994. Permits are required to keep:

  • most species of reptiles
  • most species of amphibians
  • some birds.

Marsupials and monotremes cannot be kept except for rehabilitation purposes.

Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation manages permit and licence applications.

Obligations for veterinarians

Animals that are prohibited matter

If you become aware of prohibited matter or you believe, or ought reasonably believe, that something is prohibited matter, you need to:

  • report it to Biosecurity Queensland within 24 hours (unless you are aware that it has already been reported)
  • take all reasonable steps to minimise the risks of the prohibited matter and not make the situation worse.

If you do not know whether an animal is prohibited matter, contact Biosecurity Queensland.

You may provide emergency treatment to an animal that is prohibited matter, but you must report the animal.

Boarding or rehoming an animal that is prohibited matter is a breach of the Act.

Animals that are restricted matter

It is not a direct offence for you to treat an illegally kept pet that is restricted matter (such as a rabbit), because the owner of the pet has legal responsibility for the animal. You may choose to advise the owner of the prohibited actions relating to restricted matter.

The legislation prohibits keeping, feeding, releasing or supplying certain animals that are restricted matter. For example, the following are all offences in Queensland:

  • boarding or rehoming an illegally kept pet rabbit
  • releasing a declared pest animal (such as a rabbit, fox or feral pig)
  • the practice of trap, neuter, release (TNR) for feral cats.

You may euthanase a declared pest animal, or surrender it to the local government or the Department of Primary Industries. You may not send the animal interstate because the period of transport is defined as 'keeping' under the Act.

Some species of dingo may be legally kept interstate but are not permitted in Queensland, even if the owner holds a permit in another state.

If you need to treat an animal that is legally kept interstate but not allowed in Queensland (such as an animal kept near the border that needs emergency care), contact Biosecurity Queensland.

Contact Biosecurity Queensland for more information.

Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021

You have professional responsibilities under the provisions of the Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021, in particular in respect to controlled drugs (S8) and restricted drugs (S4).

A person must not be in possession of a controlled or restricted drug without authority.

As a veterinarian, you are authorised, only to the extent necessary, to obtain, possess, administer and dispense prescription drugs.

The misuse of prescription drugs by authorised persons including veterinarians is a serious offence.

Contact Queensland Health for more information.

Radiation Safety Act 1999

The intent of the Radiation Safety Act 1999 is to protect people from the health risks associated with exposure to radiation. Legislative requirements apply for veterinarians who possess and/or use or intend to possess and/or use equipment for plain film veterinary radiography.

If you intend to use x-ray equipment, you must hold a use licence. If you own x-ray equipment, you must hold a possession licence.

Possession licensees must ensure that users are appropriately licensed.

Contact Radiation Licensing and Regulation, Queensland Health for more information.

Chemical Usage (Agricultural and Veterinary) Control Act 1988

The Chemical Usage (Agricultural and Veterinary) Control Act 1988 describes the restrictions placed on veterinarians for using, prescribing and supplying a registered, unregistered or compounded veterinary chemical product. See Part 2, Division 2, section 12-12V.

Contact the Department of Primary Industries for more information.

Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002

The Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 aims to protect the agricultural industry, natural environment, and economy from the adverse effects of pests and to ensure the sustainable use of stock routes.

More information

Last updated: 09 Dec 2024